Cochlear Case Studies: Electrode selection


Cochlear Case Studies is a series on Cochlear ProNews that highlights relevant clinical and surgical scenarios surrounding the latest hearing industry topics and research. We’re excited to partner with professionals to highlight their experiences surrounding specific patients.

This first installment features five surgeons, their cases and contributing factors for use of different electrodes:

Use of Slim Straight Electrode with Dr. Daniel Zeitler

Daniel Zeitler, board-certified Otologist/Neurotologist and Skull Base Surgeon at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, presents a case where the patient had significant right-sided tinnitus along with extensive noise exposure for many years. Due to the inability to completely visualize nor access the round window, the surgeon determined that the silicone sheath of the CI632 would not fit in the small opening making the use of this electrode impossible. Fortunately, the CI622 had been ordered as backup, and the intraoperative decision was made to use the CI622 electrode instead due to its small diameter.

Use of Cochlear Nucleus® Profile™ Plus with Slim 20 Electrode with Dr. Marlan Hansen

Marlan Hansen, MD, is a Professor in the Departments of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Neurosurgery and Molecular Physiology and Biophysics. He presents a young adult male with hearing loss identified at age five. Dr. Hansen elected to use a Nucleus® Profile™ Plus with Slim 20 Electrode (CI624), as the patient presented with aidable low frequency hearing and there was a desire to preserve the structure of the cochlea while providing a full-length electrode option. 

Use of Contour Advance Electrode with Dr. David Friedmann

David Friedmann, MD, MSc, is a neurotologist, cochlear implant surgeon and clinical investigator at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. He presented a middle-aged male with a long history of bilateral otosclerosis first diagnosed in his 20’s when he began wearing hearing aids.  He chose to use Contour Advance™ (CI512) for the stiffness of the stylet and perimodiolar preference.

Benefit of cochlear implantation with use of Contour Advance® Electrode

Lisa Bell, AuD, and Sujana Chandrasekhar, MD, FACS, from ENT and Allergy Associates presented a middle-aged female with developmental delays. The Cochlear™ Nucleus® Profile™ with Contour Advance® Electrode (CI512) was selected for implantation due to the normal anatomy determined via pre-operative CT scan. Read more on the clinical and surgical perspective of this case.

CI632 trauma case with Dr. Sarah Mowry

Sarah Mowry, MD at University Hospitals, presented a 52-year-old male who had sustained direct head trauma after falling down a flight of stairs. She chose the CI632 for its perimodiolar position, MRI compatibility and slim profile to help minimize trauma in this already traumatized cochlea.  

To hear more , listen to our Cochlear Case Studies surgeon panel webinar!