As part of our commitment to provide best in class training and support to our professionals, we recently hosted a surgical course that featured a hands-on training lab. A special thanks to the talented group of neurotology fellows for joining us in New York and to the incredible NYU Langone Health faculty for their experience and partnership.
Here’s an inside look into the weekend:
What did we do?

This course provided a blend of hands-on learning experiences and discussion with the NYU faculty and Cochlear team. We reviewed topics such as complex case studies and abnormal anatomy, along with various surgical considerations. The lab provided attendees the opportunity for hands-on temporal bone drilling, practicing electrode insertions and assessing outcomes via tabletop fluoroscopy. Training was provided on our suite of implantable hearing solutions, including the Nucleus® System and the Osia® System.
What did we read?
The course was complimented with a review and discussion of current research. Several of these articles include:
Patel et al. Otology & Neurotology, Inc. 2021.
Holder et al. Otology & Neurotology, Inc. 2021.
Morrel et al. American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. 2020.
These articles highlighted considerations for managing complex clinical cases as well as the benefits of perimodiolar electrode arrays. Overall, it was a packed agenda with thoughtful discussion and insights from our facilitators – Special thanks to Drs. McMenomy, Roland, Jethanamest, Shapiro, Freidmann, Waltzman and Kay-Rivest from NYU.