Don’t miss CI2020 Online


Beginning May 4, CI2020 Online will be free and available to all in lieu of the cancelled in-person event in Orlando. Please visit AudiologyOnline for more information regarding CEUs and registration.


As part of the online course agenda, don’t miss our one-hour innovation symposium: Maximizing the Possibilities for Every Patient. Learn how Cochlear’s broad portfolio of solutions increases access, enhances outcomes and expands options for patients across the continuum of care.

Here’s our agenda:

How to register

To access, please register via AudiologyOnline or Once published, the presentation will be accessible at any time, in any order.

The online conference is intended for those who would have attended CI2020 in Orlando and work with children and/or adults with cochlear implants, as well as those who conduct CI research. Hearing professionals outside of the cochlear implant field are also encouraged to join the global conversation.

To join us and to learn more, please visit the ACI Alliance website.