New on-demand webinars: Otologic Management Services


By Nicole Craig, Senior Manager of Managed Care and Market Access, Cochlear Americas

Cochlear’s Otologic Management Services (OMS) is now offering two webinars to help educate hearing health professionals on OMS services and on the Osia® System claim submission process. The OMS team consists of reimbursement specialists who are available, at no-cost, to help healthcare providers and candidates obtain the necessary insurance approval or to support appeals where coverage has been denied for Cochlear’s Nucleus®, Osia or Baha® Systems for medically qualified candidates. 

If you are a center that has recently completed the letter of agreement to utilize OMS, or are just curious about the process, the first webinar will introduce you to the team and walk you through what to expect when working with OMS.

Further, the Osia System represents a significant technological advancement in auditory osseointegrated implants. The digital piezoelectric stimulation of this active auditory osseointegrated implant (AOI) delivers effective high power output and the high frequency gain necessary for optimal speech perception. Based on guidance from the AMA, surgical implantation of transcutaneous AOI devices such as Osia Systems should be reported under an unlisted code until a new, more specific code has been established to report those surgeries in which a transcutaneous AOI is implanted. The second webinar will help you understand the authorization and claim submission process when using an unlisted code.

Watch these OMS webinars now!

About the author: Nicole Craig is the Senior Manager of Managed Care and Market Access for Cochlear Americas. She oversees OMS and managed care contracting for Cochlear’s external DME replacement parts and accessories.

Information provided by Cochlear Americas regarding insurance coverage or reimbursement is provided as guidance only and is not intended as reimbursement or legal advice. Cochlear Americas makes no representation or warranty regarding such information or its completeness, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose, or that following such guidance will result in any form of coverage or reimbursement from any insurer. Information presented is subject to change at any time. To be sure that you have the most current and applicable information available for your unique circumstances, please consult your own experts and seek your own legal advice regarding your reimbursement needs. In all cases, products or services billed must be medically necessary, actually performed and appropriately documented in the medical record.