When your patients receive their cochlear implant, there is often much excitement and anticipation regarding the activation day. As surgical techniques and cochlear implant technology improves, we are hearing from a number of professionals interested in implementing early activations. However, we also know that there are many things to consider prior to offering this to patients. Therefore, we’ve developed this quick guide to help you make informed decisions.
What is early activation?
Early activation is the process of activating a cochlear implant sound processor sooner than the typical 3–4-week post-surgery period. In general, early activations refer to activations that are on the day-of or day-after surgery. This approach aims to reduce the gap between surgery and activation, providing patients with the ability to hear better, faster.
What are the pros and cons of early activation?

What are some key considerations for surgeons and audiologists who may want to implement early activation in their clinic?

Early activation can offer the advantage of quicker hearing restoration and reduced travel burdens, leading to higher patient satisfaction. However, it requires more complex coordination and specific clinical preparations. Traditional activation, while more straightforward in terms of scheduling and logistics, involves a waiting period that can delay the benefits of the implant for patients. Key considerations for early activation include minimally invasive surgical techniques, close collaboration between surgical and audiology teams, and proper training and materials. Early activation can be particularly beneficial for patients who travel long distances or are receiving their second implant. While there are logistical challenges, the benefits of reduced travel, fewer clinical visits, and quicker access to hearing make early activation an attractive option for many patients. This approach has been shown to be safe and feasbile1, with high patient satisfaction.
For additional details, please refer to this article in The Hearing Review, “Early Cochlear Implant Activation: Clinical and Surgical Implementation Considerations.” This was written in partnership with Rocky Mountain Ear Center and offers practical implementation considerations when offering early activation and provides guidance on what decisions, training and materials are needed to successfully enable early activation for your patients.
For further questions, please connect with your local Cochlear representative.
1 Alshalan, A., Abdelsamad, Y., Yousef, M., Alahmadi, A., Almuhawas, F., & Hagr, A. (2023). Early activation after cochlear implantation: A systematic review. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 280(8), 3489–3502.