Clinical Quick Tips: Inserting the CI532 Electrode


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Guest author: Wade Colburn

Wade Colburn



CochlearTM CI532 Slim Modiolar electrode is the latest offering from Cochlear. The CI532 electrode is the only sheath-based electrode on the market, which was designed to allow for a smooth, atraumatic insertion with consistent scala tympani placement 2, 3. The presence of the sheath requires a two-handed technique that ensures the best possible insertion. In order to successfully insert the device, there are a few quick tips that should be considered:

  1. The cochleostomy sizing tool should be used to ensure the opening to the cochlea is appropriately sized. The recommendation is to have the opening be between 0.8 mm and 1.0 mm. 1 An appropriately sized opening ensures the best possible insertion.
  2. Use the white sheath handle as a guide for correct orientation. The handle should be oriented towards the modiolus and follow the plane of the scala tympani.CI532 electrode
  3. Ensure the sheath stopper is flush to the opening of the cochlea. This will allow the electrode to hug the modiolus and navigate around the basal turn. Your natural tendency may be to pull back on the sheath, but it should be kept steady as the electrode is advanced.
  4. Insert the electrode until the white alignment marker on the sheath and the white alignment marker on the electrode are aligned.1 Remove the sheath and visually verify that the three white insertion depth markers are at the opening of the cochlea to allow the electrode to hug the modiolus. Over inserting the electrode can push the electrode towards the lateral wall.

These are just some of the key tips when inserting a CI532 electrode. Please refer to the CI532 Physician’s Guide 1 for the complete list of insertion steps. Further, for a Quick Reference Guide of the steps for inserting CI532, see here. Feel free to reach out today to your Cochlear representative with any questions about CI532 or our electrode portfolio.

About our guest author:

Wade is the Product Manager for Cochlear Implant product portfolio within Cochlear Americas.  Wade’s responsibilities include product positioning and messaging, life-cycle management, new product launches and surgical support and training. Wade has recently joined Cochlear, but comes from an engineering background with the medical device field, including previous otology experience.


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  1. Document 414154:Cochlear TM Nucleus ® CI532 cochlear implant with Slim Modiolar electrode Physician’s Guide
  2. Aschendorff et al. Clinical investigation of the Nucleus Slim Modiolar Electrode. Audiology & Neurotology. 2017; 22:169-179.
  3. Data on File: 473386 – EA32 Electrode Insertion Safety and Performance Study Report